Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Sweet Sixteen more like Unpleasant Sixteen

This week is Thanksgiving so what better then reflecting on what we are thankful for or not thankful for. This week I we have decide that we would have a special post. This post is about My Super Sixteen, this awful show is about spoiled rich teenagers get a party that is over millions of dollars for turning 16 (which is not very impressive, it is impressing if you make it to over 100). Today we are highlighting one of the most unappreciated moments to ever be on the show. Lets start this off with a girl that yells " Mom, What the hell!" after her mother bought her a very expensive car. I mean your mother just bought you a car and you are going to put up such a fuss because you didn't like what the color. I mean come on some people can afford the regular price of food let alone a car that cost more than their house. Back to this spoiled girl, this girl had a full on melt down because her mother showed her friends the Lexus before she was ready. I mean we are just speechless we have noting to say.