Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Matthew David Morris

Image result for mattyb tv showMatthew David Morris AKA MattyB, Mattyb is one of the best singers in the world. Mattyb is an american artist said by google. He is very good looking for a 15 year old, he is tall and his hair adds like half and inch. If I could marry anyone I would marry Mattyb, he has a great and supportive family. And the best part is, is he has the best reality tv show called MattyB's World. You can watch the whole show on YouTube. So watch the show and you will love it. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

KYLIE'S PREGNANT!?!?!?!?!?!?

Image result for pregnantCan you even believe it? Khloe Kardashian is PREGNANT. And so Kylie will announce her pregnancy soon. But we, Jaime Boone, know all. In a special interview with Kylie she said she is expecting and she will be having 4 girls and 3 boys, that's 7 twins! OMG Kylie we are beyond excited for you! Here is an exclusive picture of Kylie with her 7 babies.